Corporate Health Services
Your employees’ health is important to you and you are aware that it contributes greatly to your company’s quality of life and productivity. You wish to hire employees who are physically fit and able to perform the tasks that are part of their job. ExcelleMD clinics are your partners in success, offering health care adapted to your sector of activity. An assessment can be made in a single day.

Pre-Hire Medical Examinations
This service has been used for several years by large companies and is becoming increasingly popular with all organizations. It includes a medical examination followed by a series of tests selected in relation to the type of employment; it allows the company to obtain an accurate picture of the health status of a candidate selected to be hired or of an employee.
Pre-hire exams are also part of the range of services that we offer to businesses. These are reserved for employees who require a check-up before starting a new job. You will receive your results as early as 48 hours after your consultation.
We have effective procedures in place to help you select your staff and document a medical record in the event of future absences. The pre-hire examination makes it possible to detect personal conditions likely to increase work-related accidents or occupational diseases. The protocol is drawn up according to the employer’s requirements and in relation to the position offered.
Example protocol:
- Musculoskeletal medical examination
- Various tests (depending on the employee job description) For example :
- Drug or alcohol testing
- Spirometry (lungs)
- Vision (Accuracy and/or color blindness)
- Audiometry
- Resting ECG (assessment of cardiac condition)
- X-rays of the lumbosacral and cervical regions and the lungs
Avoid waiting for exams: appointments can be made quickly and results are available between 48 and 72 business hours after the consultation. instead of taking weeks or even months.
Determine the current state of health and the long-term potential risks.
Our team will provide you with professional service in addition to giving you an appointment within the shortest possible wait time. Our doctors skills and experience will ensure that you receive customized, personalized services based on your current and/or future occupation.